Custom Tie Bars: Are They Still In Style?

custom tie bars

The tie bar has become a staple of many different outfits. Men who are looking to add a bit more style to their outfits may find that tie bars are the perfect accessory for their needs. They can be used in both formal and casual settings, and they have been around for decades now. This article will explore what tie bars are, how they started out, how they were used back then and how people use them today. You’ll also learn more about custom tie bars as well as some benefits of having one made for you!

What are tie bars?

Tie bars are accessories that people use to keep their tie in place. It is a piece of metal, usually, gold or silver plated, with an adjustable clip on the end. The bar goes around the neck and clips onto either side of your tie so it stays up without dangling down into food or drinks whenever you bend over for something!

The Origin Of Tie Bars: How did they begin

The origin of tie bars is still unknown, but believe it or not they have been around since the 1930s. They were first used by men informal settings such as weddings and other elegant events where people would wear suits all day long. Furthermore, tie bars were first introduced into the formal American clothing industry in 1945.

In the old day, their designs were often very simple and small, but today tie bars are available in a variety of designs.

How are Tie Bars Used Today?

Tie bar use has evolved over the decades to be worn more casually with a t-shirt on an average Tuesday night out at your favorite restaurant! It’s also become popular for guys who like wearing bowties because tie bars can hold both ends of the bowtie securely up against their neck so there is no need for pins! However, if you’re looking to class things up then custom tie bars make great gifts for groomsmen!

In fact, they’re widely used on a variety of occasions. For example:

  1. Business meetings
  2. Wedding reception
  3. Funeral service 
  4. Graduation ceremony 
  5. Church service 
  6. Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah celebration (Jewish)

Tie bars’ style has evolved as well. From being often very simple, today you can customize them however you like. You can customize their size, material, and design! That means you can make your own fashion statement with these small elegant accessories.

Custom Tie Bars: What are they?

Custom tie bars are tie bars that you can design yourself. The custom tie bar is a small, elegant accessory that transforms any boring shirt into something special. Tie bars are usually made of metal and secured to the front placket with clips at each end. They keep your necktie securely up against their neck so there is no need for pins! Basically, custom tie bars work the same as any standard tie bars. But what makes them unique is the unlimited ways you can customize them. That means:

#1 Custom tie bars are a great way to show your unique personality and style.

#2 They can be special and thoughtful gifts.

#3 You can customize them to match any outfit.

#4 You can customize them to match any special occasion or holiday.

#5 Their unique design can serve them as great mementos for special events and moments.

How are Custom Tie Bars Made?

There are literally unlimited ways to make your tie bars unique and personalized to you. If you’re curious about how they’re made, or you’re ready to grab one for you, then keep reading. Here are the steps to customize your tie bars.

#1 Choose your material

The most basic tie bar is made from stainless steel. This material has a sleek, shiny appearance that will never go out of style! You can also get one with gold plating for those who want to add some glamour and shine.

If you’re looking for something less traditional, consider getting your custom tie bars made from silver. Silver is definitely perfect for those who are looking for an elegant tie bar.

If you want something that is truly unique to you, then give your custom tie bars a textured finish! There are many different options including matte black or brushed nickel. Either way, it’s easy to get exactly what you’re looking for with custom tie bars.

#2 Decide the width and the shape of your bar.

The next step is deciding the width and shape of your bar. You can make them as big or as small as you want. You can also turn them into any shape or design. Some of the basic shapes you can choose from are squares, rectangles, ovals, and circles. You can also add unique brand logos and shapes — whether it’s your favorite brand or a reference to your favorite movie or band.

#3 Finally, add engraving if desired!

Another way to personalize your tie bar is by adding custom engraving. You can get a custom message, initials, or word engraved onto your tie bar so that you always remember who it belongs to and why they wear it! Being able to add custom engraving makes custom tie bars perfect gifts and mementos.

Ready to Grab Your Custom Tie Bars? 

Are tie bars still in style? The answer would be – yes they are! Now that they’ve evolved to become a fashion piece that can be customized, there are literally unlimited ways to transform your custom tie bars into something that will add a unique spice to your style.

In the end, custom tie bars are a great way to be unique and have something that nobody else will. With custom tie bars, it’s easy to be a trendsetter. Each order is made just for you! Grab your custom tie bars and custom tie clips by requesting a quote today.
